Deal Marketplace
Sell or buy bid opportunities to grow your pipeline.
Cleanup Calculator
Create winning construction cleanup pricing and forecast costs
Cleanup Proposal
Create, save, edit, and email proposals effortlessly with customizable templates
Project Board
Search for local bidding and active construction projects using an interactive map
Project Research
View Ganarpro projects in a table format and segment them by state
Site Route Router
Utilize a map to view pins and plan site visits by adding them to a route
Contact Outreach
Segment decision-maker lists by state, then email or download them
Access blank prequalification applications
Access public plan room links
Organize your company information for seamless qualification application submissions
Capability Statement
Design a marketing and compliance one-pager to showcase your company
Site Visit Sheet
Answer questions to define and complete the full project scope
Paint Proposal
Use paint and drywall templates to create, save, and edit proposals
Utilize two pricing tools to gauge construction cleaning estimates and predict project expenses
Automatically generate construction cleaning and painting proposals and download cleaning templates
Find projects through Project Board, Project Research, and Planroom
Blank subcontractor applications to submit, use QualKey to scale
QualKey and Capability Statement to manage and organize your business data
Site Visit Sheet is a one-page site visit questionnaire editable in app or printable for job site visits.
Cleaning Proposal Generator
Cleaning Proposal Templates