
Cleanup Calculator Estimate Bid Amount

Ganarpro Cleanup Calculator is a tool used to estimate the costs, time, and resources required for a project. It is commonly used in project management to help plan and budget for a project.

If you have a cleaning business or a general contractor estimator who constantly bids the final clean scope, Ganarpro Cleanup Calculator can help.

Building cleanable square footage

Use the architectural drawings (cover page) to find the actual square foot size. Or ask the project team. We multiply a cents amount x square footage to estimate bid amounts.

Not sure of the building size

We created 5 segment ranges from Extra Small to Extra Large. We take the median square foot size for each group to give you an idea of what is small in North America construction.

Project location affects bid amount

Each state has applies a different hourly labor amount. We use United States Department of Labor. https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes372011.htm as a base. In your account settings, you can edit each state labor rate for your calculator.

What is the use of the building when complete

We apply a different cents amount to each project type, depending on the level of detail required. Industrial, Retail, Restaurant. See full list here, you can edit the price allocated to each in your account settings.

Final Cleanup Phases: Rough, Final, Fluff/Puff

There are 3 phases and each can be required more than once. You can price 3 rough cleans and 1 final and 2 fluffs. Estimators do ask for it. Each phase requires different techniques and supplies. Rough clean is always first and fluff clean is always right before the owner takes ownership. Final clean is the most common mobilization phase. Other trades are working on site in the cleanable areas in between phases.

Use Estimate Name to save the estimate

You can use a project name or a pricing model name. Glynn Corporation Headquarters, or Chicago apartments. This name is transferred to the proposal generator.

Number of stories

1 story is included in the normal pricing model, 2nd story and up may require extra insurance, equipment, or subcontractors. We use the square foot size and apply an amount for each story that should cover all window cleaning, or high dusting costs. You have the option to add this amount to your estimate.

Price per 1,2,3 bedrooms

You can get more detailed and enter the number of doors that have multiple bedrooms. It does take more time to clean a 3 bedroom vs a 1 bedroom. At this time, you can not enter the amount of bathrooms. You can edit the price per bedroom table in your account settings.

Need to price extra floor work

Need to spend extra time on removing glue or repairing a damaged floor? This cost can also cover wax, we add 15% to the bid amount. Cost covers machine rental, or expert labor.

Emergency pricing works

The final clean scope is last to be purchased on a construction site. Commonly the project manager or superintendent have to wait until the last minute to have the cleaning company begin the scope of work. If you need to mobilize in hours, you should charge a premium.